Sunday, December 20, 2009

Resolution Time!!!

Well, its that time. Time to share my New Year Resolutions for 2010!

  1. Blog more (at least once a month)

  2. Start an eBay business

  3. Finish my Learn to speak Tagalog CD

  4. Re-build my savings/emergency fund

  5. Explore doctoral programs - apply by the years end

  6. Volunteer in my daughter's class

  7. Practice patience at home

  8. Have routine date nights with my hubby

  9. Go wine tasting

  10. Vacation somewhere tropical

  11. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

I think these are all resolutions that are certainly attainable (thats why I left off lose 40 lbs). What will you resolve to do next year?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! How is your New Year's Resolution going so far? Have you started your ebay business yet? I have been really lagging on mine for alomost a year now. I really need to be back on it. I would like to go Wine tasting with you. I think you will love it as I did when I went with Mike for his bday and mine. We also promised the kids to go to Monterey Bay Aquarium. We should do a family trip it would be good! It's been awhile we need to get back on track. Well I need to. Call me when you get the chance and we can work on it together if you still want....
