Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Product Review: Eyedentity Labels!!

No one ever told me that as a mother I would live in a CONSTANT STATE OF WORRY! I worry about my child's safety and well being at ALL TIMES. Although I have never temporarily lost my daughter in a store or public place, I've heard stories from friends and family members and I can only imagine the trauma that coincides with such an event.

Today I was reading my March 2009 Redbook Magazine. I know I’m a little behind on my reading but it’s been a busy few months okay! (Smile) There was an article about a mother of two boys who stayed in constant worry about her kids safety, so much that one day she wrote her phone number in marker on her sons upper thigh just in case he got lost. She then came up with the idea of inventing temporary tattoos that you can have personalized with your child’s name, your phone number or your child’s medical information (i.e., food allergies or medical conditions). She calls the tattoos “Eyedentity Labels”.

I immediately thought this would be great to use when on vacation at a large amusement park like Disneyland. Usually, you’ll see the big families all wearing the same shirt or something like that. I think this is a great alternative because it’s something cute and cool that kids will enjoy AND it will set our mommy minds at ease. The tattoos could also be useful at sporting events, at the park or even at the mall.

Interesting note: The website also encourages the use of the product for those who speak English as a second language or even for Alzheimer patients that tend to wander off.

Check out the website at http://www.eyedentitylabel.com/


  1. I like that! it is a really good idea!!! especially that kids love to wear temporary tattoo's.

    tonio would want to get it. i am gonna show him tomorrow when he wakes up for school.

  2. how did you get that rating on your page? i am slowly still learning these things.

  3. This is a good idea for when we vacation! Especially since my little houdini can get out of anything. Thanks!!!
