Sunday, December 20, 2009

Resolution Time!!!

Well, its that time. Time to share my New Year Resolutions for 2010!

  1. Blog more (at least once a month)

  2. Start an eBay business

  3. Finish my Learn to speak Tagalog CD

  4. Re-build my savings/emergency fund

  5. Explore doctoral programs - apply by the years end

  6. Volunteer in my daughter's class

  7. Practice patience at home

  8. Have routine date nights with my hubby

  9. Go wine tasting

  10. Vacation somewhere tropical

  11. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium

I think these are all resolutions that are certainly attainable (thats why I left off lose 40 lbs). What will you resolve to do next year?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Queen of “Staycations”

Well, it’s that time of is almost out and families all over are getting ready to go on summer vacation. However, most families have been hit hard by the economy and can not afford elaborate vacations (myself included). So this week I've been charged with finding some "out of the box" options for my summer “staycation" and I wanted to share a few ideas:

Check out your local attractions. Most cities have a community section in their local newspaper that will highlight local events, most of which are free. These include fun events like: movies in the park events, county fairs, story time at the local libraries, etc.

Movies: Check out the local movie theatre for new box office releases. Drive-In theatres are a great way to enjoy a night out with the family. Also a staycation can be a great time to catch up on your Net Flix backlog.

AAA Discounts: If you are a member you have access to great ‘last minute’ local travel packages, as well as, discounts at restaurants, on rental cars and at retail stores.

Google: Google your area to find and find information about the city history, major landmarks and restaurants.

B of A Museum discounts: If you are a B of A cardholder you can get free general admission to participating museums, zoos, science centers, botanical gardens and more on the first full weekend of every month – just by presenting any B of A card. Check it out at

If all else fails, stay at home and enjoy what you work so hard for! Work in your garden, catch up on some reading or start a craft project like a scrapbook or memory box.


Monday, May 25, 2009

My Favorite Things:

Just thought I’d take a queue from Oprah and give you a list of some my favorite things (in no particular order):

Apple iPhone: It’s been almost 3 months since I’ve had my iPhone and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! This phone is so amazing! I already have 5 pages of applications that help me to organize, map locations, play and socialize.

Starbucks: My favorite drink: Grande Vanilla Soy Latte (no foam please).

Orbit Gum: I love this sugar free gum that comes in tons of various flavors. My latest favorite Strawberry Mint.

Green 960 Talk Radio [960 AM]: This station keeps me politically informed and thoroughly entertained. This is a truly fabulous blog that has all the latest celebrity gossip and photos.

Smashbox Sheer Focus Tinted Moisturizer: Not only does this product moisturize your skin but the tint provides a beautiful glow to your skin. It is available at Sephora.

Tylenol Extra Strength: Need I say more?

Audio books: I am a commuter and I listen to audio books to keep myself “entertained” while on the road. I have an account with; the books are downloaded through iTunes.

TiVo: As I’ve shared before, reality shows are my guilty pleasure. With TiVo I am able to tape all my favorite reality shows. So once I’ve put my daughter to bed I stay up and catch up on all the latest foolishness: The Hills, Daisy of Love, I Married a Baller, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Real Housewives of...New York, Atlanta, New Jersey, etc. etc.

The Game: I’ve been watching re-runs of this show on BET not realizing that it was still on the CW network. Unfortunately, the new word is that the show has been cancelled so now I’m forced to watch all the episodes that I’ve missed online at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Product Review: Eyedentity Labels!!

No one ever told me that as a mother I would live in a CONSTANT STATE OF WORRY! I worry about my child's safety and well being at ALL TIMES. Although I have never temporarily lost my daughter in a store or public place, I've heard stories from friends and family members and I can only imagine the trauma that coincides with such an event.

Today I was reading my March 2009 Redbook Magazine. I know I’m a little behind on my reading but it’s been a busy few months okay! (Smile) There was an article about a mother of two boys who stayed in constant worry about her kids safety, so much that one day she wrote her phone number in marker on her sons upper thigh just in case he got lost. She then came up with the idea of inventing temporary tattoos that you can have personalized with your child’s name, your phone number or your child’s medical information (i.e., food allergies or medical conditions). She calls the tattoos “Eyedentity Labels”.

I immediately thought this would be great to use when on vacation at a large amusement park like Disneyland. Usually, you’ll see the big families all wearing the same shirt or something like that. I think this is a great alternative because it’s something cute and cool that kids will enjoy AND it will set our mommy minds at ease. The tattoos could also be useful at sporting events, at the park or even at the mall.

Interesting note: The website also encourages the use of the product for those who speak English as a second language or even for Alzheimer patients that tend to wander off.

Check out the website at

Sunday, May 17, 2009


No one ever told me that I would find such solice in sitting around talking with other women about motherhood! It helps me to know that I am not alone in this journey.

Friday Night was BOOK CLUB NIGHT! Shout out to The Four Sisters Book Club!!!

Our current selection is Suze Orman’s Women and Money. This was a great book of financial advice; however, the book also contained extremely valuable information about how women (especially mothers) put ourselves last behind every other person or thing that we manage in our lives. Putting ourselves last also contributes to why we don’t manage our money well. My mom always told me that the bible tells you to leave an inheritance for your family. I am continuously working toward getting to that next level of creating a financial legacy for my daughter. However, it was through reading this book that I realized that I have a long way to go. Ladies, this book is a must read!!!

As usual, the second half of our book club meeting is spent socializing, laughing and just relaxing. We started talking about money and how our children have NO IDEA what its like to want for something. They do not know what its like to go without something. I remember doing to the store with my mom…the prep speech went something like this “Okay, we are going into this store, don’t touch nothin’ and don’t ask for nothin’.” ENOUGH SAID. My daughter and many kids like her have no concept of this.

Not only do our kids have everything, money is indispensable in their world. Once my daughter asked me to take her to get ice cream. I said "I don't have any money", she replied "Then let's go to the ATM so you can get some". She really thought the ATM was some machine that magically spits out money whenever you need it. So we had to have a conversation about how mommy and daddy work at their jobs, and the money from working is what we are getting out of the ATM. These are real conversations that we need to have with our kids so they realize the value of money and how we as their parents work hard to support our families. The weird thing is...she got it! Man, I know I was NOT that smart at the age of 5.

The next book club selection…….Brenda Jackson’s Just Desserts! It’s romance time…happy reading!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Today was a fabulous Mother’s Day! This morning, I rolled out of bed at my own leisure, enjoyed a breakfast of coffee, bagels and cream cheese and a lovely assortment of fresh fruits. Later in the afternoon I visited my in-laws and enjoyed dinner and a Mother’s Day toast with Nuvo Sparkling Liqueur! It is a fabulous pink, fruity and bubbly sparkling wine that was perfectly suited for the day.

In the evening, it was back to reality. Clothes to fold, baths to give, lunches to make and all the hustle of preparing for the week ahead. Ahhh a mothers work is NEVER done!

I hope all you mothers out there had a fabulous day.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Need a laugh?

Ever had a really bad day and knew that there was only one person that could make you smile? Well my friend Carly is that person! Anytime I need a laugh (and I mean a belly hurting, tears rolling down your face, side splitting laugh) I call Carly. Not only is she an inspiration to me as a single mother of two beautiful girls, she is a great friend who has a very interesting perspective on life. I convinced Carly to write a blog about her thoughts on various subjects and her life experiences (she has things that happen to her that NEVER happen to me). Carly wrote a hilarious blog about the various "Walks of Shame" we have in life, it is one of my favorite posts to date.

So check her out at

Take Care!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hello all! Today I just finished listening to the audio version of Tori Spelling’s new book “Mommywood”. It was a really cute book.
Reality shows are my guilty pleasures! I figure, I use my brain all day long and watching the craziness on reality shows allows me to just sit and veg out! So, one of my favorite reality shows was Tori and Dean Inn Love on Oxygen network. I had not read (or listened to) Tori’s first book. This book however, is a first hand account of Tori’ “Mommywood” (Hollywood Mommy) adventures. Sure, her adventures include nannies, red carpets and famous friends but at the core of this book is a story of a mom who struggles with balancing work, motherhood and being a wife. The first half of the book is basically a re-cap of the 2nd season of Tori & Dean Inn Love (laced with some behind the scenes info) but the second half picks up where the show left off, Tori coping with being a mother of two, while juggling the demands of being a Hollywood celebrity. I enjoyed listening to the audio book, narrated by Tori who I think is hilarious. She is very vulnerable in this book and describes her insecurities about motherhood and her need have a better relationship with her children than she had with her mother. One of my favorite stories in the book was at the very beginning, where she went for a 3D ultrasound and worried if her unborn sons’ nose was too big. She describes every moms concern about their baby when getting the ultrasound….”Okay now I know the baby is healthy….now tell me is it cute?” Love it!!!! Tori shares insight into her life and how she just wants to be a good mom and live a "normal life". At one point in the book she conceeds and admits that her life is all but "normal" and thats where she finds comfort in knowing her life is pretty awesome. This book is full of great stories, happy and sad moments and I felt as though I was right there with her all the way! I definitely recommend this book. Happy reading…uh, listening.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Those who know me well, know that I rarely read (or forward) forwarded emails, but this one right here is a classic and so true! ENJOY!!

(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'. that will bring on a 'whatever').
(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F--- YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Old Skool Parenting!!!

TYFaMNTY!!!! What's up with these kids now-a-days? They are so dam picky!
I have slaved over hot stove making my family a meal and my daughter had the nerve to turn up her nose and say "I don't want that!" The funny part is, I'll start to accomodate her request, before I snap out of it and tell her "No, either you eat this or NOTHING". WTH!
When I was a kid I didn't even have the courage to tell my parents I didn't want to eat a meal they put in front of me, I just ate it. No matter what it was... nasty lima beans or lumpy oatmeal. You either ate it, or sat at the table looking pitiful until you either fell asleep at the table or your parents gave in (which would take HOURS). So let's get back to Old Skool parenting ---Well...minus the whooppin' your kids with switches and extension cords, that was just waaaay too much. Although, there are some kids out there that really need a good taste of the switch ;o)

Happy Hump Day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ahh, those were the best times....

My vision for this blog is to address issues that moms and soon to be moms may experience. If for no other reason but to vent my own frustrations, but hey, someone else might benefit as well.

No one ever told me that when you are pregnant, everyone (and I mean everyone) would pamper you and cater to your every need. But after you give birth (and I mean RIGHT after), you might as well be invisible. I remember the first time I showed up to my mother-in-laws house without my daughter. The first thing she said when I walked in was "Where's the baby?" I replied "Hello Mom, glad to see you too". So if you are newly pregnant please take full advantage of it! There will be no other time in your life when you will feel so special! Hmmm maybe baby #2 isn't such a bad idea :0) stay tuned...


Sunday, April 19, 2009

No one ever told me...

No one ever told me that motherhood would be a lifetime of compromise….

After I got married, everyone expected me to have a baby right away. Although it wasn’t at the forefront of my priorities I gave in to the notion that having a baby is what I was supposed to do. After my daughter was born and I went back to work I began to have frustrations about motherhood so I turned to other friends and vented about what I was experiencing. What I found was that they all validated my frustrations and acted as though what I was experiencing was nothing new. My response was WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN! But it was through their confirmation of my struggles that I felt assured that I was okay, that my experiences were no different than any other mother. It’s through the sharing of my experiences that I felt supported and empowered to be a better wife and mother. So my blog will be the real truth about motherhood, Things Your Friends and Mother Never Told You! I abbreviated through the acronym: TYFaMNTY. TYFaMNTY can be your new four letter word, when something about motherhood frustrates, surprises or stresses you…think TYFaMNTY!!!! Or when your child says something so incredibly funny that you laugh until you cry, think TYFaMNTY.

I am very much an experiential learner so my blog will also contain advice I've gained from other mothers and information I’ve read in various magazines/books, including reviews on new products I’ve heard about and tried.

Sit back and enjoy TYFAMNTY.